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Showing posts from July, 2007

Erebus son of dark 3

dj_00 , originally uploaded by devingeesr . Pic three

Erebus son of dark 2

dj_01 , originally uploaded by devingeesr . pic two

Erebus son of dark 1

dj_02 , originally uploaded by devingeesr . I have started working on Erebus aka Dark jr. Yes I have named him now here is one out of the three pic's I've made for your viewing pleaser. enjoy!

Dark jr

HPIM1000 , originally uploaded by devingeesr . Before Dark was imprisoned for life he had a son Dark jr. Still coming up with a name for him now. Any way he has the same powers as his father as well as some new ones gained from his mother. But due to his lack of control of his dark powers he wears this suit to keep his powers from over coming him and turning into an unstoppable beast of darkness.

SHRT (super human registration Task-force)

HPIM1003 , originally uploaded by devingeesr . This is the armor suit for SHRT (super human registration Task-force)

Dark con3

dark_con_00 , originally uploaded by devingeesr . Dark with his jacket

Dark concept 2

dark_con_01 , originally uploaded by devingeesr . This is another concept of dark in his body armor. He is a bit older in this image as well.

Dark concept

dark_runner_ , originally uploaded by devingeesr . Dark and the crew


This is a test post from , a fancy photo sharing thing.